Saturday, 28 January 2012

Joe Cox Dev Green Edit

Dev from Joe Cox on Vimeo.

Things that occurred to me after watching this edit include;

Wozzy does a really aggressive snap out after his sub box abubaca and has a face on as if he's about to kill a man.

Clean, snappy trick perfection is still abundant in Sheffield.

The kick flip is alive and well at Dev Green where conversely it has all but died out in Newcastle.

There's a grindy wall surrounding the deck of the quarters at Dev now instead of the soggy wooden fence that used to be there. I imagine it's even more annoying now when the greebos sit on it.

It's been far too long since I was in Sheffield.

I miss Dev Green as it's one of the more awesome parks in England and I'd gladly trade 5 Exhibition Parks for it.

Joe should make another video.

1 comment:

  1. Good watch, ive been working on a skate-perk edit should be out at the end of febuary..... this ice cold weather has slowed the progress! wana get it done and out of the way so i can start a 2012 sunderland street edit.
